“Being raised in a household in which money was only discussed as never having enough, I embodied that mentality all of my adult life. I never knew what a budget was because I was never taught how to be disciplined with money. Because of this, I continued to make impulsive financial decisions that negatively impacted my life. Financial coaching with Leslie has changed not only my relationship with money but has changed how I live my life. I once dreaded financial health, now I am excited about being financial fit!”
— C. S.
“Finances is an area of my life that is difficult for me to manage on my own. With Leslie's help, I have learned to budget and have paid off medical bills, credit cards, and most recently my car (8 months early)! If you are looking for an experienced financial coach with an excellent "bedside manner," then look no further. I couldn't have asked for a better and more patient financial coach.”
— Roslind
“Most of my twenties were marked by financial insecurity—significant student loan debt, low-paying jobs, and a cozy relationship with consumer debt. Heading into my thirties, I set a goal to obtain financial peace of mind.
Leslie’s assistance has, thus far, been vital. She brings to bear years of experience and does so in a way that reflects her knowledge and compassion. I recall my initial resistance to some of her advice on several occasions. With the deftness of a seasoned surgeon, she eventually convinced me to step beyond my comfort zone and toward financial freedom. In six months, I have made significant progress and look forward to Leslie’s continued support.
My only wish—that I would have availed myself of her services sooner.”
— Rashaad H.
“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with Mine eye. (Psalm 32:8). We had been praying for a breakthrough in the stewardship of our finances, and God led us to Leslie Bond. She gently but firmly guided us step by step into a renewed perspective in relation to our finances which led to a drastic change in our financial behavior. We greatly appreciate Leslie’s expertise as a financial coach, her sweet “bedside manner” in holding us accountable to our promises, and her extensive knowledge of various resources. Partnering with Leslie as we continue along this journey to financial freedom is one of the wisest decisions we could have ever made. To God be the glory!”
— R & E
“Manage Well Financial has been a tremendous help to my family. Specifically, Leslie has assisted us in navigating retirement planning. With the help of her well-calculated approach, our financial future looks bright. Leslie’s diligence and focused intensity enhances her expertise in the area of personal finance. She has been consistent for decades instructing on financial matters. Her heart of compassion for people is evident.”
— Brian
“I grew up knowing very little about managing money, investing and building wealth. I spent over 20 years of my adult life raising my children and preparing very little for my future. With Leslie's exceptional financial expertise, wisdom, compassion and patience, I am now debt-free, financially secure and faithfully investing in my future. I'm more prepared than ever and am securing a legacy for my children. Whatever your current financial status and however big your dream, Leslie and Manage Well Financial can get you there.”
— Beverly
“Leslie helped me walk through a difficult financial time with both honesty and compassion. Partnering with her helped me learn how to steward my finances according to biblical principles. This understanding has been invaluable and something I continue to rely on daily. I don't always get it right, but the proper foundation is always there for me to refer back to. I have Leslie to thank for pointing me in the right direction.”
— Cheryl
“I highly recommend Leslie’s financial coaching. She provided valuable information and tools that are essential for financial success and debt elimination. I continue to implement those tools in managing my finances. Leslie was always extremely prompt and prepared for our sessions. She assigned homework that promoted accountability and always provided guidance in a firm, yet supportive manner.”
— Eboni
“After a season of intense financial coaching with Leslie, I am finding great value in maintenance coaching. She helps me to re-evaluate my financial goals as well as strengthen specific areas within my finances. She has offered wisdom when I’ve had changes in income, adjustments to retirement goals and considerations for new career opportunities. Maintenance coaching has become an integral part of my financial health!”
— Roslind
" For many years, I have wanted to be a good steward of what God has given me. I had caught wind of Leslie’s abilities with numbers and financial stewardship. We set up a meeting, went over what I had, what my goals were, and she offered her perspective on where I am as well as several options for next steps. She explained the wisdom behind certain options to consider and decisions to make, and was enthusiastic to hear of my progress. She’s been gracious through the process and has kept me accountable. I have so appreciated her wisdom and help thus far. I only wish I had met with her sooner! "
— Eryn
“From a very early age, my mom (Leslie) instilled within me the importance of stewardship and taught me the value of money. She helped me understand how to maintain financial equilibrium by properly allocating income for saving, spending, and most importantly, giving. As a home educator, my mom also incorporated financial literacy curriculum into my annual coursework which cultivated the worldview needed to effectively manage money. Thanks to her thoughtful coaching and consistent deposits of financial wisdom, I am equipped to make sound budgetary decisions, aggressively eliminate debt, and be on a path toward financial freedom.”
— Jarami
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